Eggplant, bell peppers and cherry tomatoes salad:
1 large eggplant
4 red bell peppers
1/2 cup plus cherry tomatoes
1-2 scallions
2-3 garlic cloves
Handful of parsley, finely chopped
Juice of 1/2 - 1 lemon
1/2 -1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 - 1 teaspoon cumin
Canola oil
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Pierce eggplant all around with a fork and place on baking sheet. Half and seed bell peppers and place skin side up on baking sheet next to eggplant. Roast under grill mode in oven until skin of bell pepper is somewhat charred. Turn eggplant as it broils to broil all sides. If using outdoor grill obviously grill bell pepper skin side down:). Remove bell peppers from oven and place in a ziploc bag and seal, it will be easier to remove skin that way. Meanwhile remove skin of eggplant and chop to a roughly mashed consistency. Take one bell pepper at the time out of ziploc bag and peel skin off. Once done with the rest of bell peppers, slice into thin strips and add to eggplant. Half cherry tomatoes and toss in a bit of canola oil (2 tablespoons approximately), on high heat for couple of minutes until cooked but still retains it's shape. Add tomatoes to eggplant/bell pepper mixture. Add parsley, garlic, lemon and diagonally, thinly sliced scallion(s). Add couple more tablespoons of canola oil, paprika, cumin and salt according to taste. Keep in mind you can adjust proportions if ingredients according to you tatse, but this is to begin with is an excellent start.
Enjoy over challa or baguette, as part of your weekend or weeknight meal, or bring your sandwich to complete new heights by adding this cooked salad. Can also be perfect as a bruschetta. Enjoy!
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