This one again is one of my mom's recipes. It literally took about half an hour (tops 40 minutes) to prepare. My mom adds a touch of ginger powder and a touch of that powder, but believe me this version is spectacularly delicious and satisfying!! I like lots of potatoes in this recipe, the Russet completely melts in your mouth when cooked. Stir mixture once when you add water, but do not restir while cooking, you can give it a nudge by the handle once in awhile throughout cooking process.
Two of my mom's favorite flowers are the rose and the jasmine, I am including a pic of a (different) climbing rose we have by our front door. The fragrant rose and jasmine have much significance in Indian and Indian Jewish customs, prayers rituals and tradition, as part of food platters and ceremonial offerings and celebrations. I will cover these customs and rituals in a different more in depth entry.
Indian Potatoes and Chickpeas
2 15.5 cans chickpeas, rinsed and drained
1 large onion, diced
1-2 japapenos, sliced
2 medium tomatoes, diced
4 medium Russet potatoes, peeled and cut (see pic)
3-4 tablespoons canola oil
1-2 tablespoons curry powder
Salt to taste
Directions: Saute onions in canola until onion are soft, add jalapeno and continue sauteing until onions are slightly golden. Add tomatoes and let cook for few more minutes until tomatoes are soft. Add curry salt, stir quickly and add drained chickpeas and potatoes. Cover just barely with water, cover with lid and let cook on low/medium heat, add water if necessary and cook until potatoes are fork tender. Serve with plain basmati rice.
Basmati Rice
3-4 tablespoons canola oil
1 ½ cups basmati rice, rinsed couple of times in cold water and drained
3 cups water
Salt to taste
Directions: Saute rice in canola for few minutes over low medium heat, add water salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Give a quick stir reduce heat to very low cover with lid and let water to completely absorb and evaporate. Turn off heat and let sit for 20 minutes longer for beautifully fluffy grains.
I served this dish with Indian Bahdgi and Mango Chutney for a complete menu. You can find the recipe here.
First time visiting your blog. This recipe looks so good. Reminds me of a dish I had years ago: Curried Eggs & Potatoes. Looking forward to trying it.