#WeCare Sandy Outreach

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy's devastation, the damage endured would be days, months, possibly a life time to recover. Not to mention the life lost, I just can't imagine. Today, there are still homes stranded without power. With the temperatures plummeting the challenges are mounting. It will be months, even years before this haze will become crystal clear. Only when I saw the photographs of toppled cars over fences, power lines down and wooden houses along the shore lines pulverized into saw dust, did I understand how powerful nature was in its path of destruction.

Watching this video Rockaway Needs Us sent chills down my spine. Sadness. So surreal yet real!

We as a community are set to do something, small, reach out and encourage all our friends to donate to the Red Cross, however much you can afford. Every little bit helps in the process of rebuilding and recovering the devastated communities.

Other ways to help, throughout the month of November, Macy's is accepting donations at all store registers. They will match dollar for dollar.

My computer was acting up so I couldn't join a few days back. I am still facing challenges, so am not publishing a recipe here, but including an image of a fig, illustrated by the very talented Alex Savakis, as part of a project for my site. Art and creativity makes us all the more human!


  1. It is heartbreaking... thank you for spreading the word for how people can help.

  2. This is such a good cause and if every food blogger donated just $10 it would make such a big difference to those poor people who've lost everything. The video is tough.

    1. Totally agree with Maureen! I have seen water floodings some 10 years ago in my town, it was horrible. I can not imagine what these poor souls must be going through right now...

  3. Oh Shulie, this has effected so many and touched so many hearts and lives. Most of my childhood beach memories were at the New Jersey shore and I have so many friends and family that were effected. I am so thankful that you are alright and I thank you for posting this up for all of us to contribute and help make things right again.

  4. that video was heartbreaking - AND it was motivating - once again I am moved to help, again, and I still wish I could go there right now. I do what I can.

    thank you for this reminder, Shulie.

  5. Thank you for posting this video, Shulie... My heart breaks. So glad that we can all come together and do something...anything is better than nothing. Thank You!

  6. What happened in NY and NJ is horrible/terrible. A good cause.



  7. We have family on the East coast that escaped the worst of Sandy's devastation but for so many, it has destroyed their livelihood and wiped out a lifetime of memories. We have already donated to the Red Cross and thank you for the reminder of Macy's efforts as the holiday buying season approaches.

  8. The fig is beautiful! Sorry you're still having computer woes...but glad you could join in to raise awareness on how to help those affected by Sandy.

  9. As we all get ready for Thanksgiving it's easy to forget the impact those hit by Sandy are suffering. I have a writer friend in that area whose thoughtful post I shared recently about what they are dealing with; the most simple of daily tasks nearly impossible. She also mentioned the needs you have.

  10. You're right to remind us that our help is still desperately needed. It is shocking how many are still w/out power over 2 weeks after. I will continue spread every idea I see that will help benefit the victims. Thanks for sharing, Shulie.

  11. What a wonderful thing you all are doing to help support those affected by the Hurricane. It is incredible how powerful nature can be.

  12. Thank you so much for the inspiration of the day!! btw--love the new look =)
