Scenes from a Friday Morning in Tel Aviv Seaport & HaCarmel Markets

Dim Sum very trendy in Israel lately. Many Asian restaurant openings and Dim Sum stalls in both Shuk HaNamal (Tel Aviv Seaport) Market and HaCarmel Market.

The view from the promenade in front of the Tel Aviv Seaport market.
Sports on the promenade. Running, biking and I am not sure if these fellows are surfers or just balancing on the board as a sport?!
Restaurants on the promenade packed with diners for Israeli breakfast.
The best traditional falafel I had in years. HaRambam Falafel at Rambam alley at the Carmel market.

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  1. Gorgeous shots! How long are you in town for? Fun!

    1. Thanks Katherine. Till Wednesday night. I see you got company in town! :)

  2. Beautiful pictures of my favourite places Shulie!

    1. :). I kept it wordless but best falafel at Rambam Falafel at HaCarmel market. At Rambam alley. Was traditional. Haven't had a falafel this good in ages.

  3. Is that dim sum in that large steam basket? so colourful! Lovely pictures Shulie! Would love to visit Israel and the holy land someday. When I do I will definitely be getting in touch with you for recommendations on what to eat!

    1. Yep, Dim Sum. Asian food has been the trend in Israel lately, with many new Asian restaurants openings, especially dim sum. Saw dim sum stalls in both markets today. My friend bought some for her son. Would love to give you recommendations when you go.:)

  4. Heaven! I wish I could visit Tel Aviv and eat some of the gorgeous food sold there...



  5. What beautiful pictures. I just wish I was there with you, smelling, and tasting all that fabulous food you photographed, and seeing all those fabulous markets. Enjoy your time in Israel.

  6. חייבת להגיד לך - שהתמונות ממש יפות !!
    אם לא הייתי גרה בארץ - הן בהחלט היו עושות לי חשק לבוא לבקר

    1. תודה הקראתי את מה שכתבת לאחיינית בת ה 22 שלי והיא חייכה:)

  7. wow i thought it was dim sum fun pics enjoy

  8. BEAUTIFUL!! All this reminds me of back's very similar. I love this. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Hi Shulie. I just love looking at pictures of food. So beautiful (as always!) Thank you for sharing...what a nice way to end my weekend (and get ready for dinner!) I hope you have a wonderful week!

  10. I never in a million years would have imagined dimsum in Tel Aviv, I love the thought of that!

  11. I love your travelogues...I feel as though I'm there at the markets with you! Such marvelous photography, Shulie! Enjoy your stay~

  12. Amazing gorgeous pictures! Love the first shot and those dim sum is seriously making me crave. I LOVE dim sum any time.

  13. Love your photography. love your blog. Peter @Feed Your Soul

  14. So interesting to see dim sum is popular and served at the market there, and you take great pictures which tell us stories. :)

    1. TY Nami. I wish I had time to sit down and snap people doing different sports along the beach. Snap some movement. :)

  15. Thank you so much everyone. Great setting. I just wish I had more time.

  16. Gorgeous photos Shulie-those olives are calling out my name! Stand-up Paddleboarding is quite popular here in San Diego too, but you probably don't see it much in DC :-)

    1. TY EA. That's what it is paddle boarding. Completely escaped me. :)

  17. Oh I so need to take a trip to Israel, it truly looks wonderful! I love the idea of enjoying fresh food at the outside markets! Would you believe I own a steamer to enjoy our own dim sum at home.....but I have not used it yet, silly me! Thank you for sharing, hugs, Terra

  18. What an amazing post. I have my stomach wanting all that above now. Beautifully captures Shulie. Wish I could visit sometime.

    Yes I was away and withdrawn.. for a long time. A lot happened. Trying to make a come back slowly, but it is going to be not so easy I guess.
